Discover the awe-inspiring beauty of the Marshall Islands’ coral reefs through the eyes of Dr. Martin Budd, Royal HaskoningDHV’s Project Manager for the PREP II Ebeye seawall project.
Martin is a highly experienced marine environmental consultant who has over 25 years of experience designing and developing coastal infrastructure globally. He was recently in Ebeye as part of the PREP II team undertaking a fourth round of community consultations and took the opportunity to explore some of the island below the surface.
What he discovered was what he described as corals, which are “among the best I have seen anywhere in the world”. With a profound appreciation for corals and the credentials to support his assertion, he is now a passionate champion for the protection and preservation of these invaluable national marine assets for generations to come.
As the island prepares for the construction of the seawall, it is this type of information and understanding that keeps the PREPII project steadfastly committed to minimizing the environmental impact of the essential investments in protective infrastructure required to mitigate the impact of climate change.
By actively planning the protection of these unique coral reefs, we are aiming to preserve the rich biodiversity and ecological harmony they harbor. Moreover, we lay the foundation for a future where the Marshall Islands can shine as a premier tourist destination, drawing visitors from across the globe who seek to witness firsthand the unparalleled beauty of Ebeye’s coral gardens.
When engaging with the local Youth Group representatives, Martin said “Ebeye has a beautiful marine environment and we all need to work together to take responsibility for its protection and future prosperity. Embrace your role as future leaders and also as the caretakers and champions of these remarkable gifts of the ocean, and ensure that they are looked after for your generation and for those Ebeye inhabitants still to come.” – Dr. Martin Budd, 10th May 2023.
#MarshallIslands #CoralReefs #EnvironmentalConservation #ProtectOurTreasures #SustainableFuture
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