Component 1: Institutional strengthening, early warning, and preparedness

  • National
  • Institutional Strengthening and central agency capacity building in risk governance
  • Early Warning Communication Systems (Procurement and Training)
  • Develop roadmap for adaptation to climate change through the creation of a National Adaptation Plan
  • Implement priority improvements to modernize the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO)

What is the significance of this to the Marshallese populace within the region?

By investing in institutional strengthening, early warning, and preparedness, the government will be better equipped to anticipate and respond to disasters, resulting in faster, more effective responses and better outcomes for affected communities.

Effective early warning systems will also help reduce the impact of disasters and help minimize loss of life, save lives and, while providing guidance on how to prepare and respond.

Strengthening adaptation capacity will help communities prepare for and cope with the impacts of climate change, reducing the risk of displacement, food and water shortages, and other negative outcomes.