Project Breakdown

Understanding the Key Components

The Phase 2 activities of the PREP II program were crafted in response to the pressing need to enhance the capacity for disaster preparedness and response, as well as to reinforce the early warning infrastructure in neighboring and outer islands.

The primary objectives of the program are twofold. Firstly, it seeks to bolster the early warning systems and climate-resilient investments in shoreline protection, and secondly, to provide prompt and efficient responses to eligible crises or emergencies in the RMI.

To achieve these objectives, the program is implementing a range of activities under four components, namely institutional strengthening, early warning and preparedness, coastal resilience strengthening, and contingency emergency response, as well as program and project management.

Component 1

Institutional strengthening, early warning, and preparedness

Component 2

Strengthening Coastal Resilience Planning

Component 3

Contingency Emergency

Component 4

Project and Program